Wednesday, April 1, 2020


I can't for the life of me understand why the President hates CNN.

UPDATE: Brian Stelter?  If you meet a clue in the road, see if it wants to grab a beer.


  1. He wouldn't recognize the clue, so it would have to ask him. And later on, if anything came of the drink, and he got up to use the loo and stumbled into it, he still wouldn't know it. Nor how, had he got vomit or, especially, urine, in his boot, to pour it out.....either these douchewrappers are innately stupid in levels previously unheard of, or their TDS has made them so. It really is amazing, and entertaining in a dark kind of way.

  2. I get guys like Bri-Bri. Chrome Dome's a leftist and intentionally works for TDS-TV so his takes are no surprise. The people I don't get are the former "conservative" leaders like Beijing Jenny R00bin, Tom "World's Foremost Authority" Nichols, Rick "Dick" Wilson, or Charming Billy Kristol, folks who apparently were so upset that the deplorables refused to take instruction from them anymore(not sure why anyone in their right mind would continue listening to those people after GOP insiders seriously tried to pass Mitt Romney off as a genuine conservative) and apparently have been so scarred by this utter repudiation that they lash out and will pay any price and bear any burden, even if it means rooting for Communist China and a worldwide depression, in order to see Donald Trump's administration destroyed.
