Thursday, April 2, 2020


Dear Tom "Legend In His Own Mind" Nichols, Rick "Dick" Wilson, Jennifer "Beijing Jenny" Rubin, Charming Billy Kristol, Jonah Goldberg, etc.

In case you're still wondering, this letter explains better than anything can why the last presidential election turned out the way it did and why those of us who viewed the prospect of a President Trump with trepidation will enthusiastically crawl naked over broken glass soaked in alcohol and set on fire to vote for him in the fall while continuing to laugh uproariously as you lot continue to shriek incoherently and stamp your feet in impotent rage which will be your lot from here on out since no one's going to care what you think about national affairs any longer.

Have a nice day.


  1. Someone help me out here. What is going on in Bill Kristol and friend's heads? What do they think they are getting out of this posturing?

  2. Scott W-- Revenge, I think, on DJT for running without their blessings and on all of us who voted him into office without their permissions. Reminds me of nothing so much as a certain sort of toxic female friend who, when you realize she is toxic and decide to get yourself out of her company, then goes about telling anyone who will listen how awful you are, twisting herself into utterly bizarre contortions of logic and professed values in order to do so. And as Kristol and others illustrate, men can be bitches too.

  3. PS they may not think revenge is what they are getting, or even want, but it is.

  4. Miguel Estrada, who was blown out of a DC Circuit Court appointment by Schumer & Co., said that he would never again place himself in a position where he had to be polite to Chuck Schumer. The guy is a world-class jerk.

  5. When guys like Charming Billy, Wilson and Nichols finally got clear of W. and got the GOP back under their control, who did they put forward for the presidency? John McCain. A horrible campaigner, one of the worst I can ever recall, but I think the media was going to see to it that a black guy became the president that year no matter what they needed to do to pull it off.

    Fast forward four years. Who did Big Conservatism run out against Obama? Mitt freaking Romney. Guys like Wilson and Kristol tried to convince Republican voters that Mitt was a genuine conservative, no fooling, trust us on this, but everybody with a brain knew that Romney was reading a script and wasn't doing it with any genuine conviction. After all, at various points in his career, Romney's held every opinion on abortion that there is.

    Four years after that, the GOP provides us with a slate consisting of a whole lot of Mitt Romneys, Ted Cruz and Donald Trump. And people like me, totally unimpressed with the track records of Wilson, Kristol, Jonah Goldberg and the rest of Big Conservatism, revolted against their sage instruction and gave the nod to Trump. And starting with the Israeli embassy decision, Trump has, for what little it's worth, I and I suspect a great many other former skeptics have been won over.

    It's nice to have a conservative president who both wins and produces results.

  6. Four years after that, the GOP provides us with a slate consisting of a whole lot of Mitt Romneys,

    If you mean careerist business-as-usual, that might be so of Jeb Bush, John Kasich, Chris Christie, George Pataki, and, to a lesser degree, Marco Rubio. Not an apt description of Dr. Carson, Dr. Paul or Messrs. Paul, Huckabee, Walker, Jindal, Santorum. Not true of Carly Fiorina either.

    One thing I'll object to, and that's speaking as if the Republican electorate had nothing to do with this. All of these establishmentarian windsocks had organized opposition. The problem has been that roughly 1/3 of the Republican electorate voted, most years, for The-Guy-Whose-Turn-It-Is. The two aspirants who did not benefit from that preference were Pat Buchanan and Rick Santorum, who are the sort of people haut bourgeois types call 'divisive'.
