Friday, April 10, 2020


Guess who's about to go broke.  Hint: it's everybody's favorite completely worthless international organization based in New York City.

The United Nations could run out of money by the end of the month as it faces a near-unprecedented funding crisis, the secretary-general has warned.

Almost a third of member states have not paid their annual dues leading to a £1.3 billion black hole, António Guterres said in a statement on Tuesday.

The shortage of cash has meant vital staff vacancies have been left empty, travel limited to all but essential journeys and meetings deferred amid attempts to shore up the dwindling reserves. Staff have been warned there may be a default on salaries in November.

Peace-keeping operations, which are paid for from a closed budget, could eventually be scaled back, Mr Guterres indicated.

“The organisation runs the risk of depleting its liquidity reserves by the end of the month and defaulting on payments to staff and vendors,” he said during the shock warning, adding: "Our work and our reforms are at risk.”

Sure would like to be constructive here, Tony.  But the UN will lose a LOT more money when the Chinese Flu dies down and everybody starts taking a long, hard look at what a complete waste of time and money the World Chinese Health Organization was and is.  The US, where the money is, has already started down that path and I expect other hard-hit countries will follow our lead.

What we needed during this pandemic was facts.  We needed to know what was going on no matter who might be hurt by that information.  What we got from the WCHO was Chinese propaganda and a lot of blame directed toward Washington.  At the very least, the UN needs a serious investigation into the performance of the WCHO and its officials during the pandemic.  And that investigation damn well better be as transparent as air or WCHO money won't be the only UN money that dries up.

If the US isn't getting good value for our money, Tony, the UN won't get US money.

Apart from that, Tony, I don't know what to tell you.  That Manhattan real estate of yours has to be pretty pricey so I guess you could completely shut down the US office, sell the land it's on and move the whole operation to Geneva where you already have an alternate headquarters set up.  Maybe you could pay the bills with the money you make and have a little left for a rainy day.

But you're going to have to do something, Tony.  Because the UN's free ride is over.


  1. The UN is now run by Islamist interests, and the WHO by Chinese Communists. Both have become useless for the purposes for which they were established. We can hope the pathetic and dangerous performance of the WHO in this pandemic will bring these globalist projects crashing down.

  2. "The shortage of cash has meant vital staff vacancies have been left empty....

    I can't even begin to think what these so-called "vital" staff vacancies might be.

    So many snarky thoughts, so little time.
