Saturday, April 11, 2020


TODAY'S EPISODE: Bri-Bri's scary encounter with federalism.

Heartiest congratulations on figuring out how this country is supposed to work, Bri-Bri.  I had no idea that there were so many American neo-monarchists.


  1. It doesn't seem to occur to him that deaths per resident in the New Orleans, New York, and Detroit commuter belts. exceed the mean of the other 300-odd commuter belts by a factor of 10. (Aside from it not occuring to him that general police power resides in the states).

  2. The fact that centralized authoritarianism is Brian's default position explains why he, CNN and the rest of the left are making such complete fools of themselves these days.

  3. Stelter and his ilk appear to have never had basic civics instruction, including reading and understanding the US Constitution.

  4. The onus is now on the Governors. They are so power hungry they don't realize Trump can't be blamed for too early a start up. Have all these democratic governors suddenly become states rights proponents?
