Friday, April 24, 2020


If Nikki Haley manages to seriously get this idea going, she must be considered the presumptive 2024 Republican presidential nominee.

Former South Carolina governor and U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley has launched an effort to put China in the crosshairs of U.S. foreign policy. Her group is called — to the point — Stop Communist China, and its objective is to “stop the Chinese Communist government’s deception and manipulation. We need Congress to act now to prevent China’s growing influence.”

Meaning what?  Among other things, Haley would like the US to:

Investigate the Communist Chinese government’s role in covering up the initial COVID-19 outbreak.

Make China pay the UN and other international organizations’ like the second largest economy in the world should — no more being treated like a poor “developing country.”

Support Taiwan. Push back against Communist China’s bullying and allow Taiwan to join the World Health Organization (WHO).

Require American colleges and universities to disclose all Chinese Communist government funding of professors and researchers.

All worthwhile goals.  I might include full and official diplomatic recognition of Taiwan regardless of how loudly Beijing or the UN bitches about it but this is an outstanding start.

UPDATE: Know how good this approach is?  Joe takes it out for a spin.


  1. Amen to requiring American academic institutions to disclose all ties and financial support from the ChiComs. I might go farther and suggest pulling all federal aid to any school having a Confucius Institute on campus.

    I don't care how much they fund the UN. We should stop our funding, and let them do what they want in Geneva or wherever they decide to meet.

    We should recognize Taiwan, and begin building an international group of democracies which have free elections, promote economic freedom, and allow freedom of worship.

  2. Haley's group might not achieve everything it would like to. But I find it interesting that one result of the Chinese Flu might just be the revival of the Red-China-is-the-enemy mindset and not just in the US. And the stronger that gets, the better-off we all are.

  3. We could start by investigating most of the big-name universities, such as Harvard University and UCLA for their hiring and oversight practices.

  4. Katherine,
    The UN actually owns that land on the East River. We can't evict them. We can make it unpleasant for them, but if they decide to move elsewhere, they can sell that parcel of land for billions - which would then go towards funding their other cockamamie schemes.

  5. Granted, the UN will make a big-ass chunk of change if they ever decided to sell that land. But if we ever decided that we're not going to waste any more time on that ridiculous organization, that might come close to turning it into a buyer's market. Push comes to shove, they're not going to want to hang around here if we're no longer a part of them. There goes their "diplomatic immunity," for one thing. If we ever washed our hands of them, I don't think the UN could be out here fast enough and they might be forced to take the best offer for the land that they can possibly get.

  6. I wonder how much that UN property will actually be worth if they decide to sell. I don't care if they stay or go; I just don't want to fund them. Without US funding, they'll be having trouble paying the utility bills in Turtle Bay.
