Friday, April 24, 2020


Anybody want to take any bets as to how this will turn out?

Mitt might consider this leadership and it certainly is that, assuming you define leadership as "licking your index finger and sticking it into the air to determine which way the wind is blowing."  Most people who've been paying attention knew that the Chinese were at fault for the Chinese Flu practically since the start of this whole business, ably aided and abetted by their compliant sock puppets at WHO.  And Mitt's just now figuring all this out?

And since WHO is a United Nations organization, does Mitt seriously believe that the UN is capable of a truly independent and transparent investigation into WHO's performance, never mind genuinely "reforming" it?  Because if Mitt is honestly stupid enough to seriously believe that, there is yet another illustration of Why He Lost, why his "conservatism" was never anything more than an inept pose and one more reason Why You Got Trump.

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