Saturday, May 30, 2020


Question: What do you call a country cutting ties and money to an international organization supposedly dedicated to "health" whose deliberate ass-kissing made a bad public health situation far worse than it needed to be?

Last month, President Trump halted US payments to the World Health Organization and accused the world body of botching the initial response to the outbreak of COVID-19. On Friday, he went further, announcing that the US was ending its relationship with the WHO altogether, reports CNN. Trump again accused the organization of being under the sway of Beijing, and he asserted that China pressured the organization to mislead the world about the outbreak when the virus first surfaced there, per the AP.

"We will be today terminating our relationship with the World Health Organization and directing those funds to worldwide and deserving urgent global public health needs,” Trump said in a statement from the Rose Garden, per Politico. He also noted that the US gives about $450 million to the WHO, compared to $40 million for China. The US is the biggest contributor to the world body, and the move could "significantly weaken" the organization, according to the AP.

Oh sweet mother of whatever deity it is that you Americans claim that you pray to, says Europe, please don't make us pay for it.

The European Union on Saturday urged President Trump to rethink his decision to cut American funding for the World Health Organization amid global criticism of the move, as spiking infection rates in India and elsewhere served as a reminder the global pandemic is far from contained. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on Saturday urged Trump to reconsider, saying that "actions that weaken international results must be avoided" and that "now is the time for enhanced cooperation and common solutions." "The WHO needs to continue being able to lead the international response to pandemics, current and future," she said. "For this, the participation and support of all is required and very much needed." Trump on Friday charged that the WHO didn't respond adequately to the pandemic, accusing the UN agency of being under China's "total control," per the AP.

America to the EU: grow the damned hell up.


  1. "America to the EU: grow the damned hell up."
    Couldn't have said it better. I wish someone, perhaps one of these whining Euro elites, could explain exactly what the WHO is supposed to be capable of contributing to a situation it already has made incalculably worse by its subservience to the Chicoms. In fact, I'd be fascinated to learn what WHO's putative contributions might be even if they hadn't already screwed the pooch. Asking for a friend. :)

  2. Good for us, and well-said, Chris.

  3. OT, but another good start: watched the Space X Dragon launch live and it was AWESOME! Like watching the Apollo launches back in the day, but with even cooler tech.... and they were able to bring back the first stage launch rocket and land it EXACTLY on a drone ship. Way to go Elon Musk and company!

  4. We watched too, Elaine! With tears in our eyes, remembering watching the first Mercury launch sixty years ago. Totally cool!

  5. I guess space isn't the exclusive domain of the government anymore. Which is all to the good.

  6. I had forgotten about the rescheduled launch until my oldest said to me at about 3 PM "remember the spaceship!"

    It was pretty awesome. Loved the camera angles. I'm too young for the Mercury/Gemini/Apollo launches, but having watched enough archival footage, it did remind me of those, but with better tech, although I was nervous for about the first 90 seconds after liftoff.
