Saturday, May 30, 2020


Recently, a black guy died at the hands of the Minneapolis police.  An investigation of the incident is ongoing, and there have been riots in response.  The thoroughly-Democratic mayor of thoroughly-Democratic Minneapolis , the most prominent city in the thoroughly-Democratic state of Minnesota, 'splains it all for you.

Of course you are.  Damn, Mayor.  If you'd worked in something about the Illuminati or come in with a straight-up Nazi blast or two, you'd have hit for the cycle.  Better luck next riot.

UPDATE:  Yeah, that's EXACTLY what's happening.

UPDATE: That's the prollum all right.  The Antichrist his own self.

UPDATE: No Jewish funerals so the Gauleiter's cool.

UPDATE: Sorry, wrong narrative.

UPDATE: Pete?  We know you're a Hillary fanboi so dial it down, kumquat.

Nobody with a brain is buying that shit.

UPDATE: If you're scoring at home, we're up to Russian white nationalist Hong Kong protestors or something like that.  I may be missing somebody.

UPDATE: EVERYTHING is Trump's fault, innit, Susie Q?

UPDATE: None of this is about you, Joke.


  1. White supremacists and, wait for it, Russians! The white provocateurs are actually Antifa anarchists. Otherwise, there are a lot of thugs who see an opportunity to steal stuff and destroy things. Nice try, leftists. You are reaping what you have sown.

  2. I used to spend a lot of time talking about projection with regards to liberals and leftists, but it is so pathological now that it is just part of the package.

    Narrative uber alles

  3. With Joe Biden and all these lefty celebrities donating money to bail out the, ahem "protesters" and then the pretzel-like twisting to frame this as a "white supremacist"-led thing has been a gag-inducing sight.

    Sooooo....Joe Biden, et al want white supremacists to have their money?

  4. Joe's people will adjust the narrative to whatever they need for it to be and the "journalists" will dutifully help them out. Same old same old.

  5. Wish I could be making this up...I'm with my parents yesterday (their anniversary), and my mother starts complaining to my wife that they got their "stimulus" funds via a prepaid debit card instead of a check. Why did that bother her?

    Because she wanted to burn the check (after depositing it, of course) due to it having Bad Orange Man's name on it.

    None of the latest updates shock me in the slightest. I have lived it for years. Trump could cure cancer personally, and the jobs lost for oncologists would lead MSNBC, NYT, and so forth. It will never end.

  6. Aaannd no sooner does Antifa morph into an alleged white supremacist organization than Trump officially declares them a terrorist organization... which, if that were true and Trump really were the Most Racist President Ever, would mean he was shooting himself in the foot. Of course, he also pro-Israel and the Second Coming of Hitler at the same time as well...

  7. If there are interstate implications or involvement in these riots, then those are federal crimes and can be prosecuted. I hope they can connect the dots.

  8. And, at the end of the day, George Lloyd is still dead, but some of these folks managed to score a 50" TV, so it's all good.

  9. Oh Crap. That was supposed to be Floyd. Thanks auto-correct.

  10. Well, you know those Welsh names. Hell, Shakespeare couldn't get 'em right. :-)

  11. Words like Llanelli bother you, do they?

  12. They don't bother me, I just can't pronounce them correctly. Far as I know, anyway. ;-)

  13. Where's Cennydd when we need him? He used to be a regular on the old blog and over at Stand Firm.

    It took me about a year to realise that Cennydd was probably Welsh for Kenneth.

  14. For that matter, Floyd and Lloyd are probably the same thing. Booncha Anglish trying to pronounce Welsh. :-)
