Friday, May 22, 2020


Since there are few better ways in the world to make yourself look like a complete jackass, PLEASE stop trying to explain to me what Christianity really means.  The following doesn't anger me.  I view this kind of thing either with amusement or with the sort of vicarious humiliation you feel while watching a friend who's drunk off his ass and doesn't realize it.

One-Hit Wonder?  Point One.  You do know that an actual Christian cannot write (and would have an extremely tough time even conceptualizing) something that mind-blowingly stupid, don't you?  Jesus came into the world to save the world from its sins by dying on the Cross, rose to life three days later, ascended into Heaven and will return to run everything so the question of whether or not Our LORD is a "Trump supporter" will never be a topic of conversation.


Point Two.  This one's really going to throw you.  If you had taken your own advice and actually read a Bible, you'd realize that there is no difference between US presidents George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Donald J. Trump because all three were/are exactly the same thing.

Sinners.  Like you, like me, like everybody who has ever lived.

Except for One.

Seriously O-H W.  Don't try this at home.


  1. Never heard of this guy. But I'm quite sure that Jesus would not be taking sides between Trump and Biden (or whoever else they decide to run). If this yo-yo had read the Gospels, he'd be familiar with "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things which are God's."

  2. He had one pop hit, maybe two, way back when. But you're absolutely right. Since God isn't going to have or need a Parliament, a Congress, an Althing or any other co-equal branch, the question of who the Lord does or does not "support" is about as dead a letter and as pointless a question as it is possible to conceive.

  3. He probably thinks God plays identity politics too - of course, the Democratic Party and the Woke Left would cancel Jesus if he had said anything remotely close to what Biden said this morning. But then again, all I hear in my part of the world is that Jesus is too "exclusive" and "rigid" with his I am the Way statement.

    All part and parcel of the same mentality, it would seem.
