Saturday, May 23, 2020


The Gauleiter's going after the Jews again.

Ten-year-old kids.  Ten.  Year.  Old.  Kids.  Also, ten-year-old JEWISH kids.

Nope, sorry, there's no possible way to make this crapstorm into something heroic.

Gauleiter, do you have any idea how bad this looks?  Ten-year-old kids, Gauleiter?


  1. What's distressing is the amount of wasted effort the last two months. It is the elderly which need to be isolated, as well as those over 50 with weight problems. The young might be in danger of a very disagreeable URI, but they're not in danger unless they're immunocompromised for some reason.

  2. And everyone needs to get their Vitamin D levels up, if they're not already.

    An early Wuhan virus vector in New York was a Jewish man who had returned from Italy. I don't think, however, that's enough to explain De Blasio's targeting of Jews in his city.

  3. I SO want to be there when the Gauleiter goes after some little kid's lemonade stand for letting his/her customers "get too close."
