Monday, May 18, 2020


I don't think the Gauleiter has the slightest idea how bad this looks

Or the slightest interest.

UPDATE: The Gauleiter may have some splainin' to do.

A couple of suggestions, Gauleiter.  Go after a church some time.  Try Trinity-Wall Street; bunch of ultra-rich Episcopalians so nobody who matters will get mad at you.  Hell, the folks there will probably kick in some insane jack for your reelection fund as "repentance."

But if you absolutely must hit another synagogue or yeshiva, then you really need to fight the urge (with every fiber of your being) to brag about it on Twitter.  At the very least, that might keep people like me from working in my barely-disguised Nazi blasts.

People are noticing your...difficulties with Jews, Gauleiter.


  1. I'm surprised (slightly, anyway) the NYPD decided to follow through the orders of Obergruppenfuhrer De Blasio...guess they really need that sweet sweet pension money!

    I had noted his inner Nazi on Twitter a few weeks back when he specifically called out the Hasidic community in Brooklyn for attending a funeral, but I was shouted down because obviously I just wanted grandma dead.

  2. I wonder how many of these 70 children have been in constant contact with each other and the rest of their community all throughout this corona outbreak. Chances are, they're all immune at this point.

    The Moderna labs in Cambridge, MA are finding that people that have been exposed are now immune. They are using the antibodies to create a vaccine.

    You have to ask yourself, unless you stayed home, and everyone else in your household stayed home, and never went anywhere or had contact with any other people all during the past 3 months, then you've been exposed. Everyone has been exposed, because a lot of people weren't wearing masks until a few weeks ago, and there are studies that show the masks weren't all that effective, anyway. Door handles, car doors, cans or packages in the market that had been touched by other people - even being close to someone breathing in your general proximity, all these things can infect you. I recently read a study by an immunologist that just one infected person in an office can infect everyone, even those in cubicles on the other side of the office.

  3. Plus, TLM, small children are at practically no risk from the Wuhan virus, so De Blasio's bloviating about how dangerous yeshiva school is for small children is, scientifically, nonsense.

  4. But but but...carriers!

    This is the Obergruppenfuhrer's second express attack on specifically Jewish gathering. He has also said that anyone who goes to the beach and swims will be "pulled out of the water". No word, however, on whether Jewish beachgoers will need to self-identify when they go out.

    Swill, indeed.
