Sunday, May 17, 2020


If ours was a decent society, Andrew Cuomo would have just committed political seppuku with this statement.  But since 1973, Andy's Democrats have made defining the inconvenient out of existence a bedrock principle so it really isn't much of a leap between there and here.

UPDATE: File under AYFKM?  When your policies have resulted in thousands of elderly corpses stacked up like cordwood, it's important to make your gaslighting as plausible as possible.

Read the whole thread.


  1. Perhaps this will be his "deplorable" moment.

  2. God save us all from being one of Gov. Cuomo's priorities.

  3. We now have a top priority

    Meaning it wasn't a top priority before?

    Which we've had since day one, our nursing homes.

    So NY nursing homes were a top priority since day one but they're an even...topper priority now?

    Every single night before he goes to bed, Andy better get down on his knees and thank Moloch that this country no longer has a plausible news media or he'd be SO screwed right about now.

  4. A lot of his backpedaling makes me wonder if someone he knows got up in his grill about this due to being personally affected. Up to this point, he was perfectly fine going along with the Stalinesque "statistic" mentality.

    Or the DNC made a call because their internals are cratering...

  5. Both options sound eminently plausible, MD Teacher. Granted, Andy's way too far in to fix this but he'll at least have the media covering for him.

  6. He doesn't say what the goal with nursing homes was, only that they were a "priority." Maybe he was prioritizing the creation of a bunch of new Democrat voters?
