Friday, May 1, 2020


What's stopping you, Jake?

Given the universal hostility of American "journalists" toward the President, the idea that if there was anything there, it would have come out a long time ago comes immediately to mind.  But hey, you've got yourself your own little CNN show and I guess you can have anyone on there that you want so take your best possible shot. 


1 comment:

  1. And they complain about "whataboutism." Tara Reade's claim is "credible," in the sense that she worked for Biden, and several witnesses say she told them about the assault at the time or shortly thereafter. There are other women who say that Biden touched them inappropriately, without their consent, and made them uncomfortable. Some of those cases are on video! As far as I recall, the majority of women who claim Trump mistreated them in some way are in the latter category -- unsubstantiated "uncomfortable" claims. There is the one woman who claimed he raped her in a department store dressing room, which doesn't sound plausible at all.
