Friday, May 1, 2020


Because this is what all the kids these days call a burn.

UPDATE: Kirsten doubles down.

UPDATE: Yup.  All of this.

UPDATE: Mollie Hemingway's guns fire off a broadside.


  1. Christine Blasey Ford's allegation was totally without any substantiation. She couldn't demonstrate that she and Kavanaugh had ever met, or provide any details or witnesses.

    Reade clearly worked for Biden, and talked about the alleged assault to friends and family at the time.

    That doesn't prove Biden is guilty for the purposes of a trial, which won't happen because the statute of limitations has expired. But the double standard is glaringly apparent. Pretending otherwise is hypocrisy or idiocy.

  2. Kirsten knows as well as anyone that every Democrat thought Kavanaugh was guilty long before any sort of hearing even took place. But these sorts of lies are par for the course for a party that kept nominating and electing Ted Kennedy to office long after the old drunk killed a woman.

  3. Many Dems STILL profess to believe Blasey Ford, even without any corroboration at all.

    And now Biden has placed former Sen. Chris Dodd, of all people, at the head of his VP search committee. A drinking buddy of Ted Kennedy's, Dodd is known for the "waitress sandwich" in which he and Ted assaulted a waitress half their sizes.

  4. I guess Joe figures that most people either won't know or are too young to remember who Dodd was. I have to go with that because otherwise that could only mean that Joe actually doesn't "get it." At all. Even a little bit. Which wouldn't surprise me since the story now is that he once complimented the rack of a fourteen-year-old girl.

  5. Which would have gotten him punched in the mouth had that been my daughter.

  6. Good for you, Chris!

  7. If he came up behind me and put his hands on me, he would get a warning and then a swift elbow in the solar plexus. Creep.
