Tuesday, May 19, 2020


Joe?  A guy named Ken Layne once observed that, "This is the Internet and we can fact-check your ass."  You may want to keep that one in mind, Joe.


  1. Joe is a phony and a bad Catholic.

  2. The thing that I find so...well...Joe about that tweet is that it literally means absolutely nothing at all. Does anyone really think that Joe's honestly going to come out against one of Barry's (and his own) signature achievements or even so much as frown in Cuba's general direction? Please. For all the good he did, Joe might as well have blamed Trump for the Assyrian Genocide or the extinction of the dinosaurs.

  3. The question I have is how much did the Groper actually contribute to the tweet? I know the POTUS made a comment in a recent presser about how Biden doesn't actually write his own tweets, which I agree with. I find it hard to believe that he even provided the intellectual impetus for the tweet (or any of them). His tweeting has all the makings of a "Change My Mind" meme.

  4. Trump says Joe doesn't even know where he is, but Joe's got a staff who should be making sure idiocies don't hit his Twitter account. But then, they work for Joe, so that's a point against their common sense to begin with.

  5. If tweets go out with your name on them, you and you alone are responsible for whatever they say whether you actually wrote them or not.

  6. Yes, of course you're right, Chris. If Joe's responsible for anything these days. It's just astonishing to me that Dems actually plan to run this guy -- although they don't seem to have any alternative aside from Bernie.
