Wednesday, May 20, 2020


PLEASE select Whitless as your vice-president.

There is perhaps nothing more confusing than Democrat governors’ orders during the Chinese WuFlu pandemic. Governor Gretchen Whitmer is by far the worst. That was made clear with the news that a gay swinger’s club with “glory holes” is being allowed to operate under her nose in Lansing while she aims her business-killing death ray on 77-year-old barber, Karl Manke, for giving haircuts.

But strangers giving each other fellatio through holes in a basement wall in the state capital is perfectly fine. I guess group sex is an “essential” activity in the Democrat-run state of Michigan.


  1. I approve.

    ALTHOUGH...selecting her would put into my mind there's at least a non-zero chance the Democrats are deliberately tanking this election. Occam's Razor, however, suggests pure hubris.

  2. I'm going for hubris at this point. After all, these are Democrats we're talking about. Although selecting Joe at all makes a pretty good tanking case, particularly if he does select Whitless. Who in their right mind thinks that crap will even come close to selling anywhere except in the Boston/New York City/Washington/Chicago/San Francisco Stalinist axis?

  3. Considering that I am in the middle of that Stalinist axis (between Baltimore/Washington), it will go over well here - of course, the DNC could put forth the love child of the corpses of Hitler, Pol Pot, Ghengis Khan, and Nero and it would still carry this state by 15 points.

  4. I like your term "Whitless," by the way. Her persecution of this barber who just wants to give haircuts for a living is bad enough. Her management of this mess is eclipsed only by Cuomo's, and that may be because of the NY train system.
