Thursday, May 14, 2020


As is banging your staff.  So go ahead and do you, kid.


  1. There's not much point in following what Katie Hill says. She had to resign in disgrace, and her seat will be filled by a Republican. She's a dead letter, even to Democrats.

  2. What Amazon actually did was give workers pay increases and double overtime pay. Also, they allowed unlimited unpaid time off, so that workers who needed to stay home would not be penalized for missing work. Originally this was for the month of March, but was extended to May 31st. This is hardly immoral.

  3. Long-time lurker, first time commenter, even from back in the old days of MCJ (sorry to sound like a radio caller)...

    My mom and dad, who both treat the Washington Post as Holy Writ, were complaining about how eeeevil Bezos is and how much money he has from exploiting Amazon employees. So I asked them to dump their subscription. Much hemming and hawing ensued over how Bezos "doesn't make any money" from it and so forth.

    Leftist doublethink is quite aggravating and amusing. Whether from ex-Congresspeople or old Boomers.
