Thursday, May 14, 2020


It does a body good.

The Broward Sheriff’s Office sergeant who was the first supervisor to respond to the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting and lost his job after it was found he hid behind his car as the first shots rang out, will be reinstated, awarded full back pay and get back his seniority, the BSO Deputies Association said Wednesday.

Sgt. Brian Miller was one of the four deputies who were terminated because of a “neglect of duty” in the Feb. 14, 2018, Parkland shooting, which killed 17 students and faculty members and injured another 17.

Miller, 57, was paid $138,410.25 in 2017, according to the Sun-Sentinel. The BSO veteran had challenged the decision with union backing. An arbitration ruling found “BSO violated Sgt. Brian Miller’s constitutional due process rights and improperly terminated him,” the union said.

BSO fired Miller in June 2019.

According to a report by the Marjory Stoneman Douglas Public Safety Commission, which investigated the shootings, Miller was the first supervisor to respond; he arrived as shots were being fired. He hid behind his police cruiser and did not radio in for 10 minutes.

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It'd be all kinds of nice if this loser has to answer to "Broward Coward" everywhere he goes from here on out but I don't know if that's going to happen.

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  1. My recollection is that it was the municipal police who wanted to go in and take out the perpetrator while the sheriff's deputies were stalling. The institutional culture of the sheriff's department appears to be such as to make it useless in a crisis.

    Several other scandals here:

    1. Protective services is a young man's game. Unless he's a plainclothes investigator or civilian technician or an administrator, he should be shuffling off into a private sector position at this point in his life.

    2. His salary is obscene. Protective services should be compensated satisfactorily, but that should not be manifest in their cash salary. It should be in the form of contributions to their retirement fund, which have to be a large share of their total compensation to be actuarially sound.

    3. It's the business of a public employee union (and, really, their only legitimate function) to represent their members in front of administrative tribunals. The problem here is not the union representing him. It's the standards applied by the board and the remedy (which, one might wager, the union lobbied for in the state legislature).

    4. Ideally, there should be six or seven reasons that might induce an administrative tribunal to order an indemnity be paid to a discharged employee and almost none that should result in his re-instatement. Indemnities should be to compensate whistle-blowers or people fired for their political views or people fired for belonging to the local Mormon congregation. They shouldn't be awarded because the hearing examiners get the idea in their head that they're better at performance assessment than the employee's supervisors. If those in his chain of command behaved nefariously, the appropriate solution would be to have an ombudsman bring charges in front of a tribunal to fire them with prejudice. We need to make assiduous use of timely examinations (which would include physical fitness tests in the case of law enforcements) to regulate the hiring and promotion of public employees. They should be as easy to discharge as any employee who works for a bureaucratized private corporation.

  2. Thank god for Dr ojieabh for gaving  me hope again when i thought about giving it all up because my sickness has already eating me up so much that i thought i won't make it. Till i found this God sent Doctor who came to my rescue just when i needed him the most. God bless you beyond measures Doctor ojieabu and i am very grateful to you. Reach him on (+2347087681025)

  3. I'll keep an eye on her. Or him. Whichever.
