Wednesday, May 13, 2020


Suddenly I'm in a REALLY good mood.  See if you can figure out why.

Salus populi suprema lex esto, baby.

UPDATE: Hawley 2024?  I still have to go with Haley but Haley/Hawley would be strong.

UPDATE: Second mention I've seen.  We're definitely in their crosshairs.


  1. I have to wonder what kind of "punishment measures" they would be contemplating.... hope it doesn't involve cutting off supplies of KC barbecue or St Louis gooey butter cake, as I suspect that would be an act of war for sure.

  2. My favorite tea is Formosa Oolong so they can't hurt me that way (mainland Chinese teas are wildly overrated).

  3. Let's stick with Haley. Who knows? The Republicans could very well turn out to be the party of first female POTUS. That would show them!

    Besides, she is a whole lot better looking than Shakes Fist When Talking, Tank Abrams or Amy much less Shrillary. Kamala looks too much like she has been rode hard & put away wet. [I will leave it to the reader to dream up better verbs than rode.]

  4. Hawley may be a fellow Puke but he's young and he's got all kinds of time. Stick with Haley for now.

  5. Elaine,
    According to my research, the best places to get authentic St. Louis gooey butter cakes are Gooey Louie and Federhofer’s. Bon appétit!
