Wednesday, May 20, 2020


Like when "people get arrogant and casual" enough "about this pandemic" to put Gam-Gam or Gam-Pop into a New York nursing home?

That simple, Andy?


  1. Liberal projection is soooooo easy to spot.

  2. Once we stop packing the nursing homes with infected people, the rate of infection will plummet.

  3. 62% or so so North Carolina Wuhan virus deaths were residents of "congregate living facilities," that is, nursing homes, assisted living centers, and prisons. The prison deaths are quite low. So, sick elderly people are dying and the rest of the population is at much lower risk. For this, the governor has just condescended to permit restaurants to open at 50% capacity, but he won't allow gyms to open, even though they've all got extensive sanitation and social distancing plans ready to implement. Oh, and he's going to "allow" churches to meet, with restrictions. What country are we living in? Leftists stole my church a couple of decades ago, and now it looks like they're taking my state. Texas, here we come?

  4. If I had enough money to do it and I could figure out how, I'd move to Amarillo tomorrow. Or some place in Oklahoma or Kansas. Gots to have me some kickass thunderstorms; Lord knows I don't get that many around here. :-)

    But I think when all is said and done, there's going to be a lot of, for lack of a better word, "secession" around this place. Nothing geographical, no raising the Third National and politically hiving off into...something else. This one will be more of the mind. People will separate themselves as much as they possibly can from Big Government in all its forms. Washington will get what it's legitimately owed and nothing more. End of the day, people will begin to think of their "country" the way they did before the Civil War. My "country" is Missouri, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, North Carolina, etc. Any "nationalistic" feeling will be, if not actually dead, then well on its way there.
