Wednesday, May 20, 2020


Conservatism's Psychotic Ex-Girlfriend officially jumps the shark.  Apparently, it's better for people to die than for people not to die while Donald Trump is president.

Or something.


  1. Good Lord. I just read a story at National Review about how Gov. DeSantis, of Florida, handled nursing homes in Florida. National Guard teams, along with health personnel, deployed around the state to test nursing home employees and residents. Several COVID-only nursing homes set up to take patients until they are virus-free. Random spot testing ongoing with a test unit that gives results in 1-2 hours. Result: In a state with lots and lots of old people in nursing homes, very low COVID death rate.

    Rubin's leftist idols sent COVID patients into nursing homes, causing widespread death.

  2. The soooo want a red state pandemic. The malice is palpable.

  3. The question at hand is whether she's always been a poseur or whether there's a 10th planet which explains her bizarre hostility to the President. Charles CW Cooke did a survey of her writings a couple of years back which details multiple circumstances where she'd condemned the President for supporting some measure that she herself was on the record as having supported on some previous occasion. She's either a fraud or a kook. Hard to know which.

  4. My vote is for kooky fraud. Or fraudulent kook, if you prefer.
