Tuesday, August 4, 2020


The Babylon Bee

Dear Sirs:

In a recent story, you claimed that Episcopal churches have begun employing cardboard parishioners to appear fuller than they actually are.  As an Episcopalian from my birth in 1955 until 2003, let me assure you that nothing can be further from the truth; Episcopal churches are just as full today as they ever were and they have suffered no ill effects whatsoever from the various Anglican controversies over the last several decades.  You may be confused by the fact that for many years now, it has been the fashion among Episcopalians, young and old, to attend church services disguised as empty pews.

Yours very sincerely,

Christopher S. Johnson


  1. The picture in the article shows one cardboard black person in the pews. Sorry, but that's way too diverse for an Episcopal congregation. :)

  2. Were this in a high church, the presence of black folks would not be that unusual. Folks from the Caribbean or Liberia tend to be very high church. From the posturing, this looks to be very low church & yes, diversity is indeed a rare thing.

  3. You're right, UR. My Anglican parish, REC/1928 PB, has several Caribbean attendees, and we've had African students at NC State as well. We are "moderately" high church. We also have one wonderful lady who attended the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in NY for much of her life. She knows the '28 liturgy by heart.

  4. Yes. I see what you are saying. Back when I lived in Roanoke, VA the two main Catholic churches were a hippy-dippy one with architecture I call Frank Lloyd Wrong with featured posters of saints on the walls including MLK and Ghandi. It was a sea of white people. Whereas at the more traditional church, it was white, black, hispanic, and a boatload of Asians especially Vietnamese. Seems like a pattern.
