Wednesday, August 5, 2020


This.  Is.  HUGE.

Cori Bush, a onetime homeless woman who led protests following a white police officer’s fatal shooting of a Black 18-year-old in Ferguson, ousted longtime Rep. William Lacy Clay Tuesday in Missouri’s Democratic primary, ending a political dynasty that has spanned more than a half-century.

Bush’s primary win essentially guarantees her a seat in Congress representing the heavily Democratic St. Louis area. Missouri’s 1st Congressional District has been represented by Clay or his father for a half-century. Bill Clay served 32 years before retiring in 2000. William Lacy Clay, 64, was elected that year.

She's a radical leftist?  No change; so were Lacy and his old man.  But the First District was a Clay family seat forever and this win indicates that the Democrats better not take anything for granted.  It doesn't mean much in Missouri itself.  The First District is one of the two places in this state where Democrats still matter (the other's Kansas City).

But try to imagine Ted Kennedy losing a Massachusetts senatorial election.


  1. Right now we're hoping that Joe Kennedy doesn't win the Massachusetts primary in the race against Ed Markey. Yeah, sure, AOC's endorsed Markey, which means the deal's in regarding her "green new deal," but I'd "rather bear those ills we have than fly to others that we know not of?"

  2. Keep in mind that Michael Brown was shot to death because he reacted to an instruction to get out of the middle of the road and use the sidewalk by (1) flying into a rage and trying to take a police officer's duty gun away from him, (2) running away, (3) turning around and charging the officer, and (4) continuing to charge the officer after he'd received a bullet in the arm and a bullet in the deltoid muscle. If there was any indication that what 'Black Lives Matter' really means is 'Black impunity', it was the 'protests' over this case.

    Another step closer to Civil War II.

  3. One Democrat for another. However, what it shows is how deeply the party is being infected with the young radicals. Anyone tempted to vote for a "moderate" Democrat anywhere should keep in mind what the party now is.

  4. I realize that nothing's going to change politically in the First District. That would literally be inconceivable. It just that it's going to be all kinds of weird not having the Clays around. I guess you have to live here to get that.

  5. Even bigger news than the Webbe mob getting busted up by the Feds. Wow, indeed. The Kennedy analogy is spot on.
