Saturday, August 29, 2020


The Prof goes yard.

Instead [Trump] brought up all these positive, successful pro-Trump minority people and told his followers “look, these are our kind of people and we’re glad to have them.” And he reached out to others.  Instead of meeting hate with hate, he met hate with . . . love.  You might almost say ‘love trumps hate.’  Or maybe ‘Trump trumps hate, with love.’  And he did it without being smarmy or rolling over with some kind of sad ‘Republicans can be woke too’ carnival.  He crushed the Democrats on this, and he did it with positivity and inclusion.  I don’t think there’s another political figure today who could have done that, and only a few who might have tried. And it’s the only response that could have pulled the rug out from under the race war the Democrats seem unaccountably to want.

I know that you're not supposed to say or think things like this and I yield to no one in my sneaking admiration for all the many and varied aspects of Democratic criminality but I can't help but wonder if the Democrats realize how badly November's going to go for them.


  1. Before his first term, I would not have voted for him but finally did vote for him. I honestly believe he has grown into the office. I hope and pray he will win reelection.The Democrats have become the party of hate.

  2. I was a Cruz man initially. Hated the idea of President Trump with every fiber of my being. The thing that won me over was moving the American embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Before Trump, that was the easiest resolution in the world to vote for since everybody knew that nothing was ever going to happen. Didn't even happen under eight years of Dubya. Along comes Trump who states, "Is Jerusalem where this country thinks Israel's capital is? Let's move our embassy there then." Boom. Done. The guy does stuff.

  3. DP, I do think he's grown in office. He's had a good clear look at what the bureaucratic state really is, and realizes the menace it represents to the Republic.

  4. That's Dale Matson, not Dale Price.

    I was more congenial to Trump in 2016 than was our moderator, mainly because just four candidacies survived the initial electoral winnowing, and among them you had two (Cruz and Rubio) who were rather wet behind the ears and lacked executive experience; one (Rubio) who seemed somewhat 'g' deficient and had (like Kelly Ayotte) signed on to Charles Schumer's immigration law scam in 2013 (contradicting what they'd told voters when they were speaking English); and one (John Kasich) who struck me as a personification of the problem in the Capitol Hill GOP (except that he's proved in the last four years to be a fink to a degree few Republicans on Capitol Hill have managed in recent years). So the choice was down to Cruz or Trump, neither ideal.

    What's happened in the last 7 years (and moreso the last 4) is that we've seen exactly how extensive are the scruples of the Democratic Party and its extensions in the media and in the permanent government and at the bar. You actually cannot have a sustainable constitutional system if this is the way it's going to be. I'm 100% for Trump because there is nothing else standing between our current state and the decay of the Republic into something resembling the PRI regime which ran Mexico for 80 years. Except, of course, that the PRI were nationalists who would have never imported foreigners to defeat the opposition.

    The first duty of a government is to govern, the second is to govern justly, and the 3d is to govern democratically. I'm afraid we're careering toward the point where our best hope at approximating justice is a capable military-technocratic regime that engages in minimum feasible violence against the population. What's the point of a free press if 90% of them are liars? What's the point of an appellate judiciary if 1/3 of them are Democratic Party operatives and 1/3 just reflect the going line at their country club? What's the point of elections when they're shot-through with fraud? What's the point of elections when the permanent government and the judiciary prevent any changes in policy? And so forth.

  5. Even if you discount all the winning (appointment of scores of non-activist judges, deregulation, etc.), the simple facts are that a.) Dems threw every dirty trick in the book to oust Trump and he survived them all. In this age, voting for a survivor makes sense and b). In 2016, the dnc platform was "basket of deplorables". 2020 and the platform is perpetual lockdowns, riots, and...basket of deplorables. Except this time every white person is in the basket.

  6. The Democrats have just announced through a Bloomberg company that they are going to flood the country with "mail-in" ballots that will turn an Election Day win by Trump into a "mirage". This is going to be a months long mess. I hope we have a Republican House and Senate to put a stop to the nonsense that will occur.
