Tuesday, September 1, 2020


I got run off Twitter a while back.  Never did discover the reason why but I can sort of figure it out as long as the platform keeps letting crap like this slide.


  1. So, I am curious what DNA testing would reveal about the so-called "Palestinians". How many are pre-zionist natives? [Many of whom, particularly the Christians, fled for greener pastures.] And, how many are Jord-yptions unloaded there by the surrounding Arab states?

  2. Jew-hating is endemic to the cultures influenced by Islam.

  3. Plus, I see as of late last night that Twitter blocked Lin Wood, the attorney representing Nick Sandmann and Kyle Rittenhouse.

  4. There is no nation of Palestine. Jordan is Palestine, FAPP. Jordan doesn't want them. There's a clue hiding really, really hard there, leftoids...
