Saturday, April 20, 2019


It's this simple.  If it had been Hillary versus Willard last election, does anyone seriously think that we'd have a Republican president today?  Me neither.

UPDATE: @BillKristol has learned nothing.


unreconstructed rebel said...

While over at the NYT, Roger Cohen is asking "How did we put this man in the Oval Office?". Some folks ain't got a clue.

The Little Myrmidon said...

ur, ...and they're never going to get a clue as long as they inhabit the echo-chambers that most of the media have become.

Katherine said...

Romney's reaction epitomizes the Never Trump position. He's just not "one of us." Stellar economic performance and conservative judicial appointments are less important to these people than the "right tone."

Katherine said...

OF COURSE Bill Kristol has learned nothing.

On a positive note, the Lord is risen! Happy Easter!