Wednesday, January 30, 2019


Amazing what winning one house of the US Congress will do for your confidence.  It looks like the Democrats have determined their 2020 election strategy.  They've already got the anti-Semitism down.  Now they're pushing all-in.

Foot-to-the-floorboards Nazism.


  1. That a pediatric physician without any kind of moral or ethical compass was permitted to practice on our children is truly frightening.

  2. He represented himself as a moderate Democrat in the election. Now he's saying he's being misrepresented. Sorry, Governor. Both you and the delegate who introduced this enormity are on video.

    Being as radical as possible seems to be the nationwide trend for the Dems. Did they think people wouldn't notice?

  3. I guess their position now is that imperfect infants clutter up the Perfect State. Can't have that, can we.

  4. He "didn't spend six years in Evil Medical School to be called 'mister,' thank you very much."

  5. What's disgusting now is that Democrats are all in on telling him to resign over a 35-year-old photo in a yearbook. It's not a good picture, but absent racist behavior in the interim, his apology should be accepted. (There is some question about the "absent racist behavior in the interim" part.)

    (1) This puts the lie to the theory that all the racists suddenly became Republicans about 1968. They didn't.

    (2) This is designed to avoid talking about Northam's comments which essentially are pro-infanticide, and about the New York infanticide law.
