Wednesday, March 27, 2019


My home town's trending on Twitter.  What did we do now?  Hmmmmm.  I've lived here for basically my entire life and I've NEVER seen this done anywhere around here.

UPDATE: For the love of God, drop itNOBODY does this here.


The Little Myrmidon said...

Best comment in the Twitter link: “Hey let me find the worst and cheapest way to feed 25 people with 12 bagels!”

Katherine said...

Somebody has too much time on his hands.

unreconstructed rebel said...

Katherine, you beat me to the punch. Yes, our host has way to much time on his hands. But, he does keep us amused!!

Christopher Johnson said...

Pretty much all I've got these days, ur. Time on my hands. ;-)

Katherine said...

Well, I meant the guy who sliced bagels crosswise and posted it on the web, not our kind host. Without him, we'd never know about bagel hijinks in St. Louis!

Christopher Johnson said...

Katherine? I don't know where this guy got the idea that this is some sort of local tradition because I have never seen this done here before. Don't get me wrong, we do eat weird food in this town; you can still get brain sandwiches here. And I could go on and on about the pork steak (preferably slathered in Maull's barbecue sauce), a cut of meat the exists here and quite literally nowhere else. If your host serves you one of those, that's how you know you're in St. Louis. ;-)

Katherine said...

What is the pork steaK?

unreconstructed rebel said...

Wikipedia knows.

Christopher Johnson said...

It's a cut of pork that we seem to like around here for some reason. You can get them at any market in this town. I don't know its technical name but I do know that if you're barbecuing them, you actually have to leave them on a lot longer because they have lots of connective tissue or something. Can't remember the last time I had one.

unreconstructed rebel said...

It's cut from the butt, the barbecue end of the pig. The butt is full of collagen which requires long & slow cooking to insure that the collagen all melts. Best to look for a meat temperature of around 200F. Once the meat reaches that temperature, it "pulls" apart easily, else it is tough. Never had port steak, but I know a thing or two about barbequed or jerked pork butt.