Thursday, August 15, 2019


If you visit the Southeastern United States to watch Auburn's football team rip Missouri's Tigers into a million pieces in the SEC title game (assuming that ever happens again in any of our lifetimes; not saying it couldn't or won't but you know...), you might want to avoid listing "Confederate States of America" as your travel destination.

UPDATE: Case in point.  What should ISRAEL have done?

1 comment:

Katherine said...

Apparently Tlaib wrote to Israeli authorities for permission to visit her grandmother in the West Bank, and this was granted. They say she promised to behave. We'll see.

Having just a smidgen of knowledge of Arabic, I note that Tlaib's name has the same three-letter root, t-l-b, as "taliban," and I'm guessing the root means "student." I have heard it pronounced "talib." (I am not meaning to imply her family name makes her part of the Afghan Taliban.)