Sunday, August 11, 2019


Does anyone beside me find this picture kind


Katherine said...

Pistol packin' grandma. I am beginning to consider going to the nearby shooting range, getting some instruction, getting a pistol I can handle, and getting a concealed carry permit. I already have a 20-gauge shotgun here at the house. Anyone who breaks in will get a nasty surprise.

Scott W. said...

I notice the usual self-appointed Twitter psychologists and weirdos are issuing papal bulls on her ulterior motives for carrying.

The Little Myrmidon said...

To answer the question, "...she needs this to buy bread?" No dumbass, she needs it in case some nutjob decides to shoot up her local Walmart, or Kroger, or Piggly-Wiggly.

My husband and I are definitely thinking of getting our CCP's, before they become completely illegal in MA.