Thursday, February 7, 2019



Katherine said...

Seems to be mostly Democrats. Nobody has yet noticed that.

One of the points here is that there's a narrative claiming all the racists left the Democrats around 1968 or so and became Republicans. They didn't. They stayed in place.

The Little Myrmidon said...

Did anyone else see that someone on Imgur posted a pic (since deleted, but saved via screen shots) of Hillary in blackface, with Bill dressed (but shirtless with bib overalls) as a "good 'ol boy. This allegedly was a Halloween party in the 70's.

Look, doing blackface was a "thing" back then. Nobody meant anything by it and no one took offense either. As Katherine pointed out, it's just funny how it always seems to be Democrats that did it.

Katherine said...

I don't know if no one took offense, but it was a "thing" and people who went to parties in blackface were not necessarily racist. They were just in costume.