Thursday, April 30, 2020


Douchebeard still hasn't read The Federalist so his trademark "America will only be great when America does whatever I tell America to do" rant has REALLY gotten tedious.


The Little Myrmidon said...

The comments at the link are hilarious.

Christopher Johnson said...

Weird. Douchebeard is such a one-joke act that you wouldn't think he would keep inspiring as much humor as he does. Yet there it is.

Art Deco said...

I've never heard of this person. He appears to be a failed lawyer who writes agitprop for the Center for American Progress. He's one of those people who writes in such a way that you get the impression he's about 1/2 the age he is.

Art Deco said...

Best I can tell about this chap is that he's in a continual snit that there are impediments to him getting what he wants and that there are people who compose and propagate arguments which call into question what he wants.