White-as-the-newly-fallen-snow lefty activist Talcum X comes in.
Accused fraudster Shaun King, who most recently came under fire for his shady media company, drew both ridicule and threats online Tuesday for demanding statues showing a light-skinned Jesus be pulled down.
“Yes, I think the statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down. They are a form of white supremacy. Always have been,” King, 40, had tweeted Monday over the movement to topple monuments.
King then extended his demands to include “all murals and stained glass windows of white Jesus, and his European mother, and their white friends.”
“They are a gross form [of] white supremacy. Created as tools of oppression. Racist propaganda. They should all come down,” he insisted.
Right now, the early betting line is that at the next Episcopal Organization GenCon, the Episcopalians will get all iconoclastic and stuff.
UPDATE: Then there's this.
What he really wants yo say is that Christianity in and of itself is white supremacy and therefore must be destroyed. But right now there are too many "useful idiots" among Christians to make that acceptable optics. Spiritual warfare is upon us.
Spiritual warfare has always been upon us. "We wrestle not against flesh and blood."
Thanks. I knew that. My bad for assuming it goes without saying.
I have to figure that people like Snow J. Simpson will be coming after individuals who wear crosses next.
White people, amirite?
When we Christians are forced to stitch a yellow cross onto our prison uniforms, I will wear mine with pride.
Nobody needs Jesus to be a white European. He clearly wasn't, and anyone who's read the Bible knows that. Nor was he black, as in sub-Saharan African, either. So what? He died for each one of us, and his representation in various cultures as looking like the people in the area is symbolism, not a historical statement.
For that matter, Shaun King looks like his African ancestry, if any, is a smallish slice of his DNA. For some people in the USA "black" identity is by affirmation, not obvious characteristics.
If you ever want to read something really funny, Google "Shaun King nicknames" some time. Another personal favorite is Snow J. Simpson.
Here's a great compilation of his nicknames:
It's like a can of Schadenfreude-flavored Pringles.
And it's a useful reminder that King is a lot less influential in the black community than people might think. Familiarity continues to breed more and more contempt.
Finished the first book and at chapter 4 in CY 40. I admit I struggled to find my bearings in the first chapters of the first book, but sticking with it I am really enjoying it and will probably start reading Second Coming immediately after finishing CY40 if I don't take a break to read David Stewart's Eyes in the Walls. :)
The Shaun King nicknames thread gave me the biggest laugh I've had in weeks... my personal favorite is Hueless P. Newton...
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