Saturday, September 26, 2020


It's Amy Coney Barrett.  Considering that the left is going to lose influence in the Supreme Court for at least a generation, we can expect anti-Catholicism to once again become intellectually respectable.  And since these are Democrats, the same party that has no civilization, decency or honor left, we can expect the left to pretend to be "concerned" about Ms. Barrett's two Haitian adoptee children.

After all, if you're entirely willing to enthusiastically lie through your teeth in order to publicly destroy a man, using someone's children against them should be the easiest thing in the world for you.  As far as I'm concerned, the Democratic Party now has the same reputation as its former militia, the Ku Klux Klan.  And I'm not sure which direction the Democrats are headed.


Scott W. said...

There's a claim going around that if she gets confirmed Trump will lose the election. I've heard this from people not addled by TDS. Think there is any truth to it?

unreconstructed rebel said...

I cannot imagine why this would be the issue for any fence-sitter. I am thinking that if you need to vote against OrangeMan Bad, that is already settled in your mind.

I told my son that I was contemplating writing in Tulsi Gabbard. (I vote in Virginia & think Trump has not a chance here.) He sputtered "But that would be a vote for Trump." Sorry Son, but I do not vote for sock puppets. If Biden is not immediately ousted via the 25th, he will be well managed by the Deep State. I view the idea that the 500 or so military/security folk who have announced against Trump could be good stewards of this country with horror.

William Tighe said...
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William Tighe said...

Ed Morrissey, in the article linked to above, seems to be unaware that Elizabeth Bruenig is a Catholic, and a Catholic convert (from Methodism) to boot. Her article, as presented by Morrissey, does not impress me with her understanding of either Catholicism or conservative American Christianity.

But the phenomenon of the anti-Catholic Catholic is hardly a new one, although one may still be surprised at the extent of Ms. Bruenig's ignorance.

Christopher Johnson said...

Scott, I think the left are the only ones who seriously believe that. That sounds too much like smack-talking.

Katherine said...

The only committed votes changed by the Barrett nomination would be those lost to Trump if he DIDN'T nominate her. Lots of us voted for him specifically because of his promised Supreme Court list. If he had not delivered, it would have been a major breach of faith.

Rebel, may I respectfully suggest you vote for Trump? There's a Senate candidate to draw you to the polls, and every Trump vote, even if not definitive in your state, is one that cuts into the "popular vote" mythology. I've just returned from northern VA where I visited my daughter. We were surprised by the number of "Don't Tread on Me" and "In God We Trust" license plates up there parked outside the townhouses and condos. I hope a lot of Virginians are really furious about what the legislature has been up to.

The Little Myrmidon said...

I just got back from 5 days in Maine, with a short trip over to NH one afternoon. The meme that I'm seeing is really true that, based on the lawn signs, Biden will finish third after TRUMP and YARD SALE. Maine and NH were considered "purple" in 2016. They could go red this time.

The Little Myrmidon said... that I'm seeing on Facebook...

unreconstructed rebel said...

I was baiting my son. I will definitely be voting for Daniel Gade. I am well sick & tired of these two carpet baggers who somehow wound up becoming senators in the Old Dominion. The treacherous invaders who inhabit Northern Virginia have a lot to answer for.

Katherine said...

Gade looks like a very strong candidate. Good luck to him. The first thing we saw on exiting I-95 at Hwy. 123 was a Gade for Senate sign.

The Little Myrmidon said...

I read somewhere that Amy Coney Barrett and her husband did more for Haiti than the entire Clinton Foundation.

Katherine said...

TLM, they saved two Haitian lives, which is more than the Clintons did.

I admit to worrying about our host here when he doesn't post anything for a whole week. Chris, I hope you're okay.

sybil said...


The Little Myrmidon said...

Yes, Chris! Check in. We're worried about you.

unreconstructed rebel said...

I got to see Daniel Gade clean Mark Warner's clock at the debate held at The Norfolk State last night. (Norfolk State is a local HBCU.) Gade was on-point, direct, concise & often yielded his time. Mark Warner, on the other hand, was evasive, kept changing the topic to what he wanted to talk about, pretty much blamed Donald Trump for whatever the issue was, & frequently overran his time.

The two moderators, both news achors with the local tv station, both black, were quite fair & brooked no nonsense. [Quite refreshing after the Chris Wallace fiasco.] More than once after Warner did one of his politician two-steps answering one of the moderator's question, the other stated that he didn't answer & re-asked the same question.

I loved it. Voting for Daniel Gade is not in doubt.

[Bad, bad Spell Checker. The man's names is not Gate!]

Katherine said...

That's encouraging, Rebel. I hope lots of people watched!

unreconstructed rebel said...

Good news. Chris is just fine, just suffering a bit of technical difficulties.

Flambeaux said...

Deo gratias!

Sibyl said...

Just stopping by to say, hope you all are well. It's good to hear Katherine's most reasonable articulate 'voice' again. Also miss Christopher's voice, stories of ridiculous Frank the Episcopal high priest, and his great fiskings of all the 'processes' along the way to the split in the Anglican Communion and really miss Stand Firm.

As for President Trump's SCOTUS picks, Kavanaugh is great, but Gorsuch is acting like the Episcopalian belonging to a church with a partnered lesbian priestess that he is. That ruling barring employers from firing an employee that goes 'gay' or 'trans' is a bad one - whereas Alito's opinion was a thing of beauty. Hoping Amy Coney Barrett isn't a social issues squish. JMHO, of course.

BTW - I do love having this bold, blunt, fierce fighter as our Chief Executive!

Very best regards to all!

Floridian, GA/FL, Conniption Fitz, etc.

Katherine said...

Sibyl, Stand Firm is up again, but you have to use Facebook to comment, which leaves me out.

The Little Myrmidon said...

Katherine and Sibyl, Actually Stand Firm has a webpage, but I don't see any place for leaving comments.

Here are the two links:

Facebook page:


The nice thing about the webpage is that all the old gang is there: Matt Kennedy, Ann Kennedy, Tim Fountain, David Fischler, and a few new contributors.

The Little Myrmidon said...

I guess I should have included that if you are on Facebook, you can friend Matt, Ann, Tim, or David. Also Gregg Griffiths. Matt also does podcasts from his church, which are posted on his FB page. For a while, Tim was doing a weekly sermonette on Wednesdays, but he's pretty much completely retired now and working at a lab in a hospital.

Katherine said...

One of my daughters is on Facebook, mainly to hear about childhood friends. She tells me that political posts, many of them far-left and hate-filled, are up on the site all the time. The other daughter, who has security clearances, doesn't do social media at all. I think she's wise about that.

sybil said...

Katherine, good for her. My late husband was a systems analyst and ran and ISP, and he advised me to avoid social media, advice I continue and will continue to follow. (Still tempted WRT trying to learn to use one of the chainsaws, tho...)....Also, no radio or TV for me-- I can read transcripts faster than I can watch or listen, and stream the rare thing (like a Bibi speech, yum, LOL) I do want to see or hear. The only problem with this is that when I get stuck somewhere where TV is on, it's even more annoying than it was 20 years ago when we stopped watching anything, LOL.....So I still don't know what Harris sounds like, but I think I can kinda imagine...

Katherine said...

Sybil, just look at the pictures of the faces she makes. You don't need to hear her. :-)

The only "social media" I fiddle with is Next Door. Its moderators in our neighborhood and nearby keep politics off the site, mostly. That would be a place to ask someone to show you how to use the chain saw, or you might be able to find an online video.

sybil said...

I did finally, to watch a clip I thought would be too unintentionally funny to pass up, hear what Shouts Shaking Fist sounds like. I immediately became Yikes Grabbing Mute Key...

Katherine said...

sybil, :-)

Nikolaus said...

Dear Lord Katherine - "Next Door" in my community is THE WORST!!! It's over loaded with nosy old "Karen's" all too eager to lecture their neighbors. Also, being a university community leftist politics is on full display. Be grateful you have good moderators.

The Little Myrmidon said...

Yes! Next Door is full of idiots.

Now, as for Facebook, there are ways to control who & what you see, and who sees what you post. Firstly, you can be anybody on Facebook, just set up a "throwaway" email address in Yahoo or gmail and use it to set up an account. Use any name on the FB account you want, or create the account in your pet's name.

You don't need to have any friends if you don't want, or, maybe just a few trusted childhood friends. You can join groups which is much more fun, and usually political posts are forbidden in groups. I belong to a few "nostalgia" groups about the area where I grew up and a couple of punning groups. If you like biting sarcasm, try some groups like I'm Fed Up with Bad Church Music, or Society Against Tacky Vestments. "Tacky" is reminiscent of Chris' old Bad Vestments page. The comments are hilarious.

There are groups for just about any hobby or interest, including politics - if you want to join a group that matches your political leanings, you can find out about rallies & stand-outs in your area.

If you do have some FB friends, but there are some that post stuff you don't want to see, there's a feature called "Take a Break" which just blocks that person's posts. You don't have to unfriend the person, which is unnecessarily hurtful. Secondly, if you have a friend who's argumentative when you post things, go to settings and make that person an "Acquaintance" rather than a Friend, then set your Privacy to display your posts to "Friends, Not Acquaintances." Bam - they don't see your posts (and the settings can be changed on a post-by-post basis.)

So, yeah, you can be on Facebook and control who and what you see, and who sees you.

Katherine said...

Nikolaus, TLM, we have some Karens; one of them is actually named Karen. Since the moderators keep politics down, the Karens tend to lecture about watering grass (Bad, even though this is North Carolina and we're nearly a swamp many years) or about recycling (Good, no matter the cost). Oh, and masks, and which local stores will actually refuse service if you don't have one. This gives me a list of establishments to avoid.

Krasimir Todor said...

Merci à M. Benjamin de m'avoir aidé à acquérir mon prêt hypothécaire VA. C'était formidable de recevoir mon prêt de 900 000 $ US de ce prêteur. Je m'appelle Krasimir Todor, je suis belge. J'ai obtenu mon prêt auprès de ce prêteur réputé le 20 novembre 2019 et je souhaite utiliser rapidement ce support pour dire à tout le monde ici que vous pouvez acquérir n'importe quel prêt auprès de cette société de prêt crédible. Un prêteur de prêt VA n'est pas facile à trouver et il doit être recommandé par le ministère des Anciens combattants. M. Benjamin vous accordera des prêts à des taux d'intérêt bas de 2% et très rapides. Obtenez vos prêts à Email: ou sur le numéro Whatsapp: + 1-989-394-3740

The Little Myrmidon said...
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John (Ad Orientem) said...

For those unaware, Christopher Johnson, the host of this blog, reposed in the Lord in November of last year (2021).

May his memory be eternal!

Daniel Stoddart said...

Is this blog finally dead? If so, it's a tragedy of epic proportions...

Anne Butzen said...

John (ad Orientem) - thank you for the update. I used to return periodically to see if mcj was up and running, and I finally got discouraged, and it's been more than a couple of years.

I hope Christopher is at peace; he always seemed so unhappy.