Tuesday, June 2, 2020


Episcopalianity is in.

The bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington condemned President Donald Trump

Of course she did.  The house pointy hat of The Washington Post could do no less.  What do you think she's on retainer for?

on Monday for his visit to St. John's Episcopal Church near the White House after law enforcement officers used tear gas to clear protesters from the area.

Maybe those "law enforcement officers" felt they had to.  Security and stuff.

"Let me be clear:
For a change.  You're a Piskie, we already know what you're going to say.
The president just used a Bible, the most sacred text of the Judeo-Christian tradition,
Some old book we have to feign respect for every so often.
and one of the churches of my diocese without permission as a backdrop for a message antithetical to the teachings of Jesus and everything that our churches stand for," Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde told CNN.
And you would know about the "teachings of Jesus" because?  You're an Episcopalian, lady.  As far as you're concerned, "Jesus" is nothing more than meaningless professional jargon. 
"And to do so... he sanctioned the use of tear gas by police officers in riot gear to clear the church yard. I am outraged," Budde said.
Of course you are.  The fact that quite a number of poor people all over the country are going to lose their jobs or their outlets for, you know, buying food and stuff is apparently not that big of a deal.  Makes you no never mind as long as they leave Whole Foods alone.
High-Church Unitarianism is on record.  All we have to do now is find out what actual Christians are thinking about all this.

UPDATE: Confirming my long-held belief that Episcopal bishops are the single most worthless and useless group of people currently assembled anywhere for any reason, the PrezBish haz thotz.  You already know what they are so clicking on that link is up to you.

UPDATE: Every so often, the Babylon Bee is scary good.


Dale Matson said...

Of course she complained. Predictable and expected.

An MD Teacher said...

Agreed ^^^ As soon as the President made that walk to St. John's, it was only a matter of time before the "pivot" to condemning him for the "photo-op" after "violence" was done to "peaceful protesters" in Lafayette Park.

Set your watch to it.

Katherine said...

There isn't really a "church yard." It's right on the street, across from Lafayette Square. Rioters there set fire to the parish house the night before. Making it clear that destruction of the church standing there since 1816 would not be tolerated is offensive to leftists. I fail to see that stopping rioting, arson, and looting are "antithetical to the teachings of Jesus." Not that Budde would know what those actually are.

I'm taking it personally. My parents were married in that church in wartime Washington. It was Christian at the time.

An MD Teacher said...


It's really cool that they were married in there - I have gone in a few times just to admire the old-style architecture that, as a Catholic, has gone totally missing in my lane of Christianity for some time. I can see why you are taking it personally in every way.

Katherine said...

MD Teacher, yes, it's a beautiful little church in the traditional style. Although I'm still Anglican (not Episcopalian any more), I long ago got over the sixteenth-century Catholic vs. Protestant battles. Go in peace to love and serve the Lord, as is said. I have to admit that the modern mass and some newer Catholic church buildings that look like barns with a barbecue table in the middle aren't an incentive to join y'all, to say nothing of the antics of your current world leader. But then, I have the same reaction to some ACNA parishes with "modern" liturgy "based on" the 1979 BCP and guitars and amplifiers. The new ACNA prayer book is a step back towards the traditional and may help if only parishes will use it. I am fortunate; I still worship with the 1928. For Catholics, I hope more and more priests and bishops will provide the faithful with the traditional faith and teaching. I pray for that.

Unknown said...

She's mad because the police dispersed the largest crowd they've had in a long time.

An MD Teacher said...

Katherine - I agree. I figured out as I was going through my 20's that Catholic vs. Protestant was not the battle, but rather worldly vs. spiritual, and that's where I am, to make common cause with Christians who also see that battle. Unfortunately, Pope Frank is not on the proper side either, so we are in total agreement there. The older versions of the BCP might well be one of the finest volumes of the English language, full stop. My Catholic parish is trying to maintain some semblance of tradition; so far, with some success. Our priests are (mostly) good. Our bishops...TERRIBLE.

Unknown - ZING!

Katherine said...

Great comment, Unknown.

An MD Teacher said...

Archbishop Gregory of DC issued a statement over the POTUS visiting the JP II shrine. Apparently, he felt the need to have to one-up the Episcopalians...


He is an embarrassment...

Christopher Johnson said...

Gregory was the Bishop of Belleville, just across the river from here. Sad, really, what he's managed to turn himself into.

Katherine said...

Oh, heavens, MD Teacher. What an embarrassment, indeed.

What really bothers me is these leftist idiots saying that because one white policeman (who was seemingly over-zealous on several occasions in his career, based on having 19 complaints filed) restrained a detainee in a way that caused his death, ALL white people are therefore guilty of this. There could hardly be a more racist response. The police officer did this, no one else. I didn't. Trump didn't. Trump didn't condone it or excuse it. The rioting is purely evil. The victims, as with most leftist-incited riots, are primarily people living in or doing business in black neighborhoods and high-profile shopping areas. None of those people deserve what is happening to them.

An MD Teacher said...

It's worse than that - Gregory left behind a hot mess in Atlanta and has been brought in during a hot mess in DC. Just reshuffling the deck chairs and all that.

I tell you what, I picked a hell of a time to start blogging over these last couple weeks. Never a lack of stuff to talk about.

Christopher Johnson said...

Timing is everything in the blogging bidniss.

Katherine said...

What part of "justice and mercy" does Bishop Curry think the riots promote? He objects to a president who holds up the Bible and demands safety, law, and order for the nation he leads.

Katherine said...

Plus, Trump is in some sense one of Curry's own. Donald and Melania were married in an ECUSA church, and their son Barron attends an Episcopal school in suburban Maryland. And Trump has worshipped at St. John's, as have all presidents beginning with Madison.

Robster said...

The Episcopal Church is nothing but a Hollywood backlot. Beautiful facades, but nothing behind them! Better yet, whited sepulchres. Bishop Budde, Archbishop Gregory: Recall the words of La Roche: Silence is the best tactic for he who distrusts himself.

I live in Archdiocese of Newark, and I don't trust Cardinal Joseph Tobin. Nor any of Catholic officialdom, bishop, clerical, or religious since more than likely they have sold out to the culture.

Christopher Johnson said...

Granted, but the Catholics are at least redeemable. At this point, anyway. Right about now, Episcopalians are Christians in the same way that Shriners are Muslims. Just because they dress that way doesn't make it true.

Rod said...

They didn't use Tear Gas. Even if you don't want to believe the Park Police, take a look at pictures during the incident. Note the cops aren't wearing gas masks.

The cops may have used pepper bombs and smoke bombs, but they wouldn't have anything to do with going into a tear gas cloud without masks.

The Little Myrmidon said...

Well apparently, President Trump is guilty of "plagiarizing" Bill Clinton.

Katherine said...

TLM, at least that's less offensive than the photoshopped Hitler holding a Bible comparison.

Last I checked, the Bible calls on leaders to enforce justice and maintain order. The left clearly doesn't want Trump to do that.

Nikolaus said...

I finally walked out and shut the door on TEC last year after some leftist Ivy League chaplain wrote an opinion piece about why he would deny Holy Communion to Present. Trump should the occasion arise. So on the one hand I couldn't care less. But it still boggles the mind that a parish that sells itself as a prop to presidents gets uppity when a president uses them as a prop. What else is TEC good for?

Christopher Johnson said...

I lasted the first 48 years of the 64 years of my life. My mother loved the Anglican tradition and had me baptized into it and maybe that's why I rationalized for as long as I did. But when the Episcopalians officially decided to crap all over that tradition in 2003, I guess I just decided that I couldn't make myself pretend anymore. I suppose that's what it was.