Thursday, June 25, 2020


Know what?  The left may be pushing all-in.  Deep down, I think they realize that the Doddering Old Fool isn't going to beat Trump and that their chance is gone and might not come back for generations. Why else would they propose an idea this mind-blowingly idiotic?

“The 53-year-old in me says, we can’t change things that have existed forever. But then there are these young people who say that America needs to live up to its real creed,” Walker told Yahoo! Entertainment. “And so, I do side with the people who say that we should rethink this as the national anthem because this is about the deep-seated legacy of slavery and white supremacy in America, where we do things over and over and over again that are a slap in the face of people of color and women. We do it first because we knew what we were doing and we wanted to be sexist and racist. And now we do it under the guise of ‘legacy.’”

Next up: Santa Claus is "racist."  I mean, he's always a fat, white guy.

Activist and journalist Kevin Powell agrees. “‘The Star-Spangled Banner was written by Francis Scott Key, who was literally born into a wealthy, slave-holding family in Maryland,” he explained.

A sinner, in other words.  Like me and you, Kevvy.

“He was a very well-to-do lawyer in Washington, D.C., and eventually became very close to President Andrew Jackson, who was the Donald Trump of his time, which means that there was a lot of hate and violence and division.”

Great.  Another historical illiterate.  Know what else Jackson was, Kevvy, with his personal slaveholding, his Indian Removal Act, his ethnic cleansing and the Trail of Tears?


So what should replace the anthem?  This is how I know this will never happen.  You can't possibly suggest something this stupid and seriously believe that you'll succeed.

So what do they suggest? Walker says whatever it is, it must go through a vetting process to ensure the new anthem “doesn’t have a terrible past.” But Powell already has a song in mind: John Lennon’s “Imagine,” which Powell says is “the most beautiful, unifying, all-people, all-backgrounds-together kind of song you could have.”

Unless you believe in God. 

Moron.  Have you ever actually read its lyrics?


unreconstructed rebel said...

If this country decides to make Imagine its national anthem, I am going to puke.

Christopher Johnson said...

Not going to happen, ur, but if they replaced the national anthem with anything at all, I'm going to do way more than puke. Never, ever stand up for it, for one thing.

Katherine said...

The idea that "The Star-Spangled Banner" is deliberately racist is stupid. However, the tune we use is hard for most people to sing. If we did change, "American the Beautiful" would be good.

unreconstructed rebel said...

Interesting that Key would choose a tune dedicated to drinking & sex. It is intended to be sung by the well inebriated who can either achieve the range with the help of some alcohol, or just not care for the same reason.

Christopher Johnson said...

Key didn't choose it. I think that tune was selected a century or so later, if I recall correctly.

Katherine said...

I can achieve the range with no alcohol, but I'm definitely in the minority.

unreconstructed rebel said...

According to, it was Key who assigned the melody from To Anacreon in Heaven to the lyrics. But, nowadays, the Internet can provide whatever authoritative position one could possibly wish for.

The Little Myrmidon said...

The tune for To Anacreon in Heaven was already popular and had a meter which was suitable for Key's lyrics.