Sunday, September 29, 2019


Who says journalism is dead?
Take this to the bank.  NOTHING gets by the Bordge.

UPDATE: Annnnnnnnnnd...scene.


Dale Matson said...

Trump doesn't want to be impeached? Who knew?

Christopher Johnson said...

Tell anybody I said this and I'll deny it but the Bordge also had it on the best possible authority that the Democratic Party wanted Hillary Clinton to win the last presidential election and was bitterly disappointed when she didn't.

Remember. Mum's the word.

Christopher Johnson said...

Exclusive. Must credit CNN.

CNN Source: St. Louis Blues fans "surprised and delighted" by club's recent Stanley Cup win.

unreconstructed rebel said...

Has it dawned on any of them why their viewership keeps deteriorating?

Katherine said...

Well, rebel, if Paul Ryan has his way, Fox News will go the same route.