Wednesday, March 4, 2020


Every man should have a woman in his life who looks at him like Marianne Williamson looks at the Vermont Communist.


The Little Myrmidon said...

She says that like it's a bad thing.

sybil said...

Vermont Communist. VC. I like that.

Katherine said...

She's not really wrong; it is what they did. But it's not about denying communism. It's about Bernie and his radicals being too open about their communism, so the Democrat elite, believing they would lose badly, wanted someone who could pretend to be less radical and who could, they think, win.

I think they'd lose with either Bernie or Biden.

Katherine said...

It may be that professional Democrats don't think Slow Joe will win, but they think the party might emerge somewhat intact, and with their professional slots intact. Bernie would burn the whole thing down.