Thursday, March 26, 2020



UPDATE: Give it a rest, Gam-Gam.


BillB said...

The Hag of Chappaqua still can't get over not getting her "rightful" elevation to POTUS.

Katherine said...

Neither Hillary Clinton nor Joe Biden would ever work the kind of hours Trump and his team are putting in, nor could they manage this kind of complex coordinated effort.

unreconstructed rebel said...

BillB, she paid a great deal for the office. That & she had BillC by the short hairs. By rights, it should have been hers.

I am surprised she is not demanding that all her payees return her payments.

Christopher Johnson said...

Explains her campaign. You don't campaign as sloppily as she did ("deplorables" was just about the dumbest thing any presidential candidate has ever said about anything) if you weren't, well, kind of offended that you even had to campaign at all, that "they" didn't automatically award you what was rightfully and obviously yours.

The Little Myrmidon said...

Have you read Shattered, the book written by the two NYT journalists who were privileged to join Hillary's campaign and write about it from the inside? Of course, Shattered was the working title, because HRC was going to "shatter" the glass ceiling.

Instead, what they began to realize shortly, was that the campaign was a cluster-fck of little fiefdoms, all vying for big jobs in Hillary's administration. And, Robbie Mook, the campaign manager was a total idiot.

Christopher Johnson said...

Thanks for the heads-up, Myrmidon. I'll check it out.