Saturday, December 7, 2019


Here are a few of mine.

"I find this wine complex but also rather flatulent."

"I find this wine insistent but also considerably sandy."

"I find this wine multi-layered but also way too peppery."

"I find this wine vigorous but also a little too ontological."

"I find this wine evocative but also intensely sugary with a hint of sewage treatment plant."

This is a fun game.  Give it a try in the comments, as many times as you want, and if I see something I like, I'll update this post, include it and give you credit.


Art Deco said...

The late John Roche once wrote a column about being at a dinner where most of those present were food critics. The chef asked the assembled to identify the wine served. "Almost everyone there wrote down a name and a year". Roche himself just asked for something else with his dinner. Later, the chef let him in on the joke. He'd taken a bunch of 'tank car' wines and put 'em in a vat, serving the resultant to the guests.

unreconstructed rebel said...

Which is why most of us can be served Two Buck Chuck and never know the difference.

Sybil said...

Must include the phrase *subtle undertones of Apple Brown Betty"...

Christopher Johnson said...

Depends on the wine. But yeah, that's a given, Syb. :-)

The Little Myrmidon said...

A somewhat presumptuous wine, but with a hint of diesel fuel.

Unknown said...

Tastes like a bourbon but also overtones of an IPA.