Wednesday, July 17, 2019


I spent twenty full-time years in the library business.  I haven't worked in one since the end of 2012 and I think I'm finally starting to understand why.


Katherine said...

What an incredibly ugly monstrosity! Go in there to find a book, and be eaten by aliens, maybe.

Christopher Johnson said...

Yeah, when your place of employment looks like it came from a Star Wars movie, it might be time to rethink.

wyclif said...

A Brutalist nightmare.

Christopher Johnson said...

Come on in. Get sold by Jawas. ;-)

Time Immortal said...

This is in my home city; that is the library right off of the square just south of City Hall (read: it's pretty much in the middle of the downtown area). They've been working on it for years, and I'll leave you to imagine the horrors this has done for traffic in the city core.

It's worth noting that it's not a new library either; this was a reworking of an existing building. Here's what the library looked like previously:

And, in color:

Honestly, my first thought when I saw the final product was to wonder at whether some church architect from the 70s had escaped from the old folks home.

Katherine said...

That old one was utilitarian but not nearly as frighteningly ugly as the reworked result.

The Little Myrmidon said...

I thought the old "Soviet Brutalism" school of architecture had died out. Apparently not.