Tuesday, July 2, 2019


Kammi promises to go full-Obama.



Katherine said...

Just how does she figure she would have the authority to do any such thing? Someone ought to send her a copy of the Constitution. And leftists claim it's Trump who's the fascit ...

Christopher Johnson said...

Well, Obama got away with it multiple times. So I guess Kammi figures she can too.

The Little Myrmidon said...

"When elected president..."

AAAAH -Haaaaa, Haaaaaa Haaaaaaa, Hoo-hooo Waaaaah-haaa-haaaa-haaaaaaaaaaaa!

(stops to catch breath...) Haaaaaa, haaaaaaa, haaaaaaa snort! wheeze! Hoooo hoooo hoooo!

(and I continue in this vein for several minutes....)

unreconstructed rebel said...

I agree, TLM. I am willing to bet cash money that the position she has taken on busing may well have taken her out of the game.

Now, what to do about Elizabeth? Dunking chair, anyone?

unreconstructed rebel said...

BTW, Anyone know where I can get my hands on a Betsy Ross?

Katherine said...

Thinking about flying our "Don't Tread on Me" flag tomorrow. Happy Independence Day!