Tuesday, January 21, 2020


That that's what intelligent people call taxation?  Good LORDyou're a moron.


unreconstructed rebel said...

Chris, this is OT, but very upsetting if not outright alarming. Please share https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnHC1FBEEN4&fbclid=IwAR0CiQbZJWDi5e2sqiAx2m_hQtOPo3pPCvv0_a5R4vhjzf77Utyn0ab9Veo

Christopher Johnson said...

Thanks for the tip. I'll try to get a post up later today This doesn't scare me. If Governor Blackface wants another civil war, which this will do, I have to think that there are still a whole lot of people in VA that would be only too happy to give him one.

Katherine said...

Not quite clear on who the people in that clip are. Is this one of the "white supremacists" the Governor claimed were going to cause trouble?