Wednesday, May 13, 2020


China's Nattering Nitwits.  High-priced whores. For its next Chinese Flu complete waste of time, CNN lines up some high-school dropout.
Check your local listings.
UPDATE: Nah.   Toward the end, the Teletubbies were phoning it in.
UPDATE: If I were China's Nattering Nitwits, I'd mix in a geography class.


Scott W. said...

So a panel from a sci-fi alternative timeline in which the 2016 election didn't happen.

Christopher Johnson said...

Can't wait for their American economy roundtable featuring Alyssa Milano.

Katherine said...

Whatever does the Swedish teenager have to offer about coronavirus? Of course, she knew nothing about the climate, either.

Christopher Johnson said...

Maybe Howard Stern or Jennifer Aniston couldn't make it that night. Or Patton Oswalt, whoever that is.