Saturday, September 21, 2019


Most of the time, Neil deGrasse Tyson is a self-important douchenozzle but there's a pretty good chance that he's on to something here.  For years, I've thought that the real reason the AliensTM have never officially dropped by is that we're nowhere near as big of a deal as we think we are.  It could be that other places in the universe are Manhattan while Earth is Fergus Falls. 


unreconstructed rebel said...

Sorry, but I am going to go completely off-topic, but I have to ask.

Could it be that this whole "whistle-blower" blowup that has all of DC by the throat is a ruse planted by the Warren camp to take out Biden? After all, how could we get this far without somebody naming the whistle-blower?

How's that for a conspiracy theory?

Katherine said...

If not the Warren campaign, ur, maybe even the DNC. Biden is looking weaker and weaker, and they may be afraid he'll get nominated and then lose. (Not that I think Warren is a more attractive candidate. She's going to remind everyone of the substitute teacher they hated.)

Christopher Johnson said...

I don't think this thing was planned. I think this is just another instance of the media frantically grasping at any available straw in order to get rid of Orange Man and having it once again blow up in their faces.

Katherine said...

Lots of people online are pointing to Trump as the Roadrunner and the Dems as Wile E. Coyote.

Scott W. said...

Nah, Tyson's not on to anything. This is just the "wasted space" comment from Contact. The both collapse on the question "Sez who?"

unreconstructed rebel said...

it now surfaces that the "whistle-blower" had no direct knowledge, just hearsay.

Christopher Johnson said...

That's been out for several days now. Funny that obsequious leftist media toadies like Brian Stelter haven't gotten around to it yet and by "funny," I mean so freaking obvious that it stopped being worthy of mention a very long time ago.

unreconstructed rebel said...

So maybe it's time to contribute a few bucks to Tulsi Gabbard. Who knows? Once the riot is done with, she may be the only one left standing.