Tuesday, September 17, 2019


The putrefaction at the Democratic Party Steno Pool is far more extensive than I realized.  Meet a New York Times fact-checker.

UPDATE: Ku Klux Candyass issues as limp and pro forma an "apology" as I've ever seen from anybody about anything.  Do I think she means it?  Not even a little bit.  Because if you're genuinely repentant about this sort of thing, you completely shut down your Twitter presence for at least a couple of YEARS or so and then, down the road somewhere, quietly creep back on.

Important note, kids.  The Internet is forever.

1 comment:

Katherine said...

No, of course she's not really sorry.

The NYT is hysterical over uncorroborated behaviors it claims Justice Kavanaugh engaged in when he was in high school and college, but repeatedly gives passes to its own employees over stupid youthful behavior. Leftists can do whatever they want, but conservatives have to be plaster saints, and even if they are, the Times will smear them anyhow.