Thursday, September 19, 2019


I spent about a decade making whatever Internet rep I have from those wacky liberal Christians.  Episcopalians, mostly, but I was never a sectarian; I had at stupid, pseudo-Christian "spirituality" wherever I found it.  Like this Union Theological Seminary chapel service.
Not a damned thing.  In fact, I told the arugula in one of my recent salads that if it wanted a from-scratch vinaigrette, it could damned well make one by itself.  Otherwise, it was going to get plain-label Thousand Island and LIKE it.



Katherine said...

You know, if the vegans can't eat plants, and they won't eat animal protein, they'll just die out. Their brains may already be damaged enough not to realize this.

Christopher Johnson said...

I'm just waiting for the Episcopalians to "ordain" a ficus tree or something and yes, I am still well aware of Johnson's First Law of Episcopal Thermodynamics. Every joke you make about the Episcopal Organization eventually comes true.

The Little Myrmidon said...

Knowing the Episcopagans the way we do, it's much more likely to be a pot plant (not a typo) that will then be ordained, then quickly be elevated to Bp. Hemp.

Christopher Johnson said...

Actually, Myrmidon, I think the Episcopalians will start out respectable. Don't want to go too far too fast so I think the first one will be a tomato plant or maybe a rose bush. Or some wheat. An acknowledgement of the importance to God's creation of the plant community along with letting TEO grow their own communion wafers. Two birds with one stone.

The Little Myrmidon said...

For those of you keeping score at home, this has gained a great deal of attention on Facebook and other inter-tube outlets. None of it positive. TEC has literally become a laughing-stock.

Christopher Johnson said...


Then, of course, there's the whole sexually-oriented-toward-beings-with-leaves angle. We'd better start thinking about that. For starters, what on Earth will that do to the acronym? LGBTQH for "horticulturalist" maybe?

With the Episcopalians, it's always better to be proactive.