Tuesday, September 17, 2019


Since it was not all that long ago that the Democratic Party Steno Pool tried to convince the world that Brett Kavanaugh was the reincarnation of Ted Kennedy and immediately had to scurry away, it's journalistic reputation in tatters, it's hard to understand why the DPSP would want to take another run at it so soon.  Unless, of course, insanity really is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results.

Actually, it's not hard to understand at all.  The left knows that even now, Dred Scott Roe v. Wade is in mortal danger.  And if Ruth Bader Ginsburg buys the farm any time soon, Dred Scott Roe is pretty close to dead, de facto if not de jure, and just the possibility of having to financially support a kid whenever you plow your girlfriend suddenly becomes alarmingly real.

In other words, no more free sex.  Ultimate nightmare becomes terrifying reality.

I don't know for a fact that that's what's at work here or not (I suspect that it is) but I do know this.  Because of the work of entities like the Democratic Party Steno Pool and others like them, I'm seeing sentiments like the following more and more often.


Katherine said...

Yes. This is why Trump must be re-elected, whether or not voters love him personally. The evil coming from leftists must be defeated. After four more years, and with many leftist institutions in shreds, and with constitutional norms at least partially re-established, we can go to more "standard" conservative candidates, like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, for one example.

Katherine said...

unreconstructed rebel, it works!

Art Deco said...

Dunno. The political culture improves in certain respects, decays in others. One thing that seems on a consistently downward trajectory is the capacity of liberals to respect certain boundaries. I don't think this ends well. There's a reason Manuel Azana died in exile, and a reason that exile was what he'd earned and deserved.