Chris Matthews comes out and says it.
"I’m wondering whether the Democratic moderates want Bernie Sanders to be president," he said. "That’s maybe too exciting a question to raise. They don’t like Trump at all. Do they want Bernie Sanders to take over the Democratic Party in perpetuity? I mean, he takes it over, he sets the direction of the future of the party — maybe they’d rather wait four years and put in a Democrat that they like."
Could be. Could also be that "moderate" Democrats are starting to become the next "pro-life" Democrats. A fast-diminishing party minority. Of course, Sanders' enthusiastic communism doesn't just affect the top of the ticket.
"I mean, that’s the big question, right?" Adrienne Elrod, a former senior adviser to Hillary Clinton, responded. "And you know, the narrative that you’re starting to see play out, Chris, is that there are people that are concerned, strategists that are concerned that Bernie Sanders being at the top of the ticket will force us to lose the House. I don’t necessarily think that’s the case."
We wouldn't be having this conversation, thinks Matthews, if millennials had any idea of what
happened in the world before the year 2000.
"You know, I have my own views of the word 'socialist,'" Matthews said earlier this month. "They go back to the early 1950s. I have an attitude about them. I remember the Cold War. I have an attitude towards Castro. I believe if Castro and the Reds had won the Cold War, there would have been executions in Central Park, and I might have been one of the ones getting executed, and certain other people would be there cheering, OK? So, I have a problem with people who took the other side."
The world can basically be divided into five groups of people:
(1) People who unconditionally love Donald J. Trump
(2) People who hate Donald J. Trump with the white-hot heat of a thousand suns
(3) People who didn't vote for Donald J. Trump last time and won't vote for him this fall but can and do honestly acknowledge the good he has done
(4) People who weren't going to vote for Donald J. Trump at all but very reluctantly did so anyway when they saw how matters stood with Gam-Gam
(5) People who didn't vote for Donald J. Trump last time but because of the good he has done, the hysterical reaction to him from the media and formerly-influential Never Trump pundits and the continuing efforts by his political opponents, in the government or out of it, to overturn a legal American election, among other things, will crawl over a field of broken glass that has been doused with gasoline and set on fire to vote for him this fall
As far-left as she was, most people considered Gam-Gam to be a "moderate" Democrat yet she narrowly lost. Now the Democrats may put a
communist on the top of their ticket, moving the party as far left as it is possible to go. What do they think is going to happen?
Group (2) is in the bag while Groups (1) and (5) are completely lost. Only (3) and (4) may still be in play. Do the Democrats seriously believe that they lost in 2016 because the party wasn't nearly leftist
enough? Do they think that the nomination of a radical leftist like Bernie Sanders will attract any votes at all from (3) or attract back voters from (4)? Do Democrats believe that the American people have spent their history
yearning for socialist/communist governance?