Tuesday, February 25, 2020


150,000,000 people, give or take, Joe?  Seems a bit...excessive.


Art Deco said...

And he's running for the Senate. And he negotiated with the 20 years dead Deng Xiaoping in 2016.

Katherine said...

We'll see how he does Saturday and Tuesday with voters. Democrats should shudder at the thought of Slow Joe in the general election. Of course, none of the others look promising, either, but they're not in dementia.

The Little Myrmidon said...


"And he's running for the Senate." ...and he doesn't know what state he's in most of the time.

BTW, the Boston Glob endorsed Warren this morning (as if anyone didn't see that coming.) They've been spinning her low polling and low primary standings for weeks. Of MA's 11 Electoral Votes, she may garner half on Super Tuesday. Since it will most likely be a brokered convention, she'll use whatever electoral votes she has to negotiate a position in the front-runner's cabinet, or maybe try for VP.

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite Bidenisms, god this guy is CLUELESS!!!